How to Set Up in AZUR SEZ

Roadmap to Success

Welcome to the gateway of opportunity – setting up your business in AZUR Special Economic Zone is a journey of innovation and growth. Our streamlined process ensures that you can navigate every step with ease, from inception to establishment. Here’s your roadmap to success:


Choose Your Business Structure

Selecting the right business structure is pivotal to your venture's success. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur or a burgeoning corporation, our experts are here to guide you through the intricacies of incorporation. With options tailored to every need, including LLCs and corporations with 100% foreign ownership, we empower you to make the best choice for your vision.


Register Your Business

Seamless registration is at the core of our mission. Once you've chosen your structure, our dedicated team will facilitate a smooth and efficient onboarding process. We understand the urgency of your ambitions, which is why we ensure that every detail is taken care of promptly and accurately.


Secure Your Corporate Entity Special Economic Zone Trade Licence

Unlock your enterprise's full potential with a specialised license designed to cater to your unique needs within our zone. Our team will guide you through the process, ensuring compliance and maximising the benefits available to you.


Visa and Immigration Assistance

Navigating the intricacies of visas and immigration is simplified with our comprehensive support services. Whether you're relocating key talent or establishing a presence in Anguilla, our experts will streamline the process, ensuring a smooth transition for you and your team.


Explore AZUR: Your Gateway to the Future

Experience the future of business with AZUR. Empower your venture with online offshore company setups, cost-efficient administrative solutions, and inclusion in our prestigious virtual companies directory. Dive into a world of limitless possibilities where connectivity knows no bounds.


Connect with Global Markets and Banking Services

Expand your horizons and tap into new markets with our cutting-edge global portal. Seamlessly integrate into our dynamic ecosystem with access to global banking and financial services, propelling your growth to unprecedented heights.


Tailored Solutions for Tech, Fintech, Crypto, and AI Startups

Our services are crafted with your industry in mind. Whether you're a tech disruptor, a fintech innovator, or a trailblazer in AI and crypto, we offer tailored solutions to fuel your success. Let us be your partner in progress, guiding you towards a future of limitless possibilities.

Dear Entrepreneurs and Visionaries, Welcome to AZUR Special Economic Zone, where innovation knows no bounds and opportunities are limitless. As the Premier of Anguilla, it brings me great pleasure to extend a warm invitation to you, inviting you to embark on a journey of prosperity and growth unlike any other, right here in our vibrant island paradise. In Anguilla, our dedication to fostering economic growth and prosperity is unwavering, and AZUR SEZ is a shining example of our commitment to innovation and progress. Designed with your business needs in mind, AZUR SEZ is ready to turn your entrepreneurial aspirations into tangible success, all within the breathtaking backdrop of Anguilla’s azure waters and pristine beaches.

Dr. Ellis Lorenzo Webster

Premier of Anguilla